Monday, November 12, 2012

"Luceat Lux Vestra" Let your light shine!

Yes, let your light shine!  Sustainability is both a personal and professional journey. And yes, forgive the following pun, but we will need to shed a little light on this subject.

Personally, I want to encourage every reader to let their inner light shine brightly. Even during challenging times, the most beautiful rays of light can shine through our brokenness. What if you find your inner light already shining brightly? Fantastic! Share that warmth and energy with others. Reach outward, not inward.

Let's address the professional element of lighting sustainability. Lighting is a critical element in any dental facility and should be evaluated for improvement and effectiveness. There are many lighting options available to us today that can reduce our energy dependence, lessen our negative environmental impact and ultimately reduce operating costs. In today’s lighting market our standard T-12 fluorescent light bulb has become more environmentally compatible. By simply choosing to switch out this bulb with a T-8, T-5 or Compact Fluorescent light (CFL) you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint on this earth. In operatory areas where specific lighting is required you may want to work closely with your supply representative to evaluate LED options. Always consult with an electrical contractor before making any electrical changes.

People. Planet. Profit. Lighting can simply and profoundly effect every piece of the sustainability formula. Fill up your light source, let it spill out onto everyone you meet. Take a look around your office and home to evaluate your light sources. See if you can do better. Why not "let your light shine" for all to see!

Sending a smile
