Monday, November 12, 2012

"Luceat Lux Vestra" Let your light shine!

Yes, let your light shine!  Sustainability is both a personal and professional journey. And yes, forgive the following pun, but we will need to shed a little light on this subject.

Personally, I want to encourage every reader to let their inner light shine brightly. Even during challenging times, the most beautiful rays of light can shine through our brokenness. What if you find your inner light already shining brightly? Fantastic! Share that warmth and energy with others. Reach outward, not inward.

Let's address the professional element of lighting sustainability. Lighting is a critical element in any dental facility and should be evaluated for improvement and effectiveness. There are many lighting options available to us today that can reduce our energy dependence, lessen our negative environmental impact and ultimately reduce operating costs. In today’s lighting market our standard T-12 fluorescent light bulb has become more environmentally compatible. By simply choosing to switch out this bulb with a T-8, T-5 or Compact Fluorescent light (CFL) you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint on this earth. In operatory areas where specific lighting is required you may want to work closely with your supply representative to evaluate LED options. Always consult with an electrical contractor before making any electrical changes.

People. Planet. Profit. Lighting can simply and profoundly effect every piece of the sustainability formula. Fill up your light source, let it spill out onto everyone you meet. Take a look around your office and home to evaluate your light sources. See if you can do better. Why not "let your light shine" for all to see!

Sending a smile


Friday, October 26, 2012

Cleaning out your closets. Fun times!

It's used to be a popular phrase to announce you were going to do a little "Spring cleaning". You know, that dreaded time of year you committed to going through your closets to see what needed to be rearranged or donated. What still fit, what didn't. I can't say those were ever fun times for me, but I must confess to you that I LOVE clean closets! It's not just how they look when you open the closet door, it's how I actually feel when the clutter is cleaned out of my closet and my life.

So, I challenged myself to bring that attitude to work with me this month (and it's not even Springtime!). I committed to going through just one "closet" draw of mine and I'm very thankful I did. I took on the dreaded "lost or broken instrument draw." You  know, the one you inherited 10 years ago when you began working in that operatory. The one you continually add too when a instrument tip breaks or just isn't one of your favorites anymore.

I discovered I could easily donate those instruments back to the supply company I ordered from. Check with your sales rep. They have different instrument offers that will allow you to turn in a certain number of old instruments in exchange for a few free or discounted instruments. Check with your co-workers before you do this though. You never know, they could be needing what you want to donate. Reduce, reuse, recycle......just keep it sterile :)

As my world turns, I got so excited about cleaning out my instrument drawer that I even tackled a part of my personal life as well, my uniform closet. How many of us have old uniform scrubs that we don't wear anymore? I know I do. Why not consider donating them to Goodwill? Check online for uniform donating opportunities. I've even cut up some of my cleaned scrubs and turned them into quilt tops to be donated.

Remember sustainability is simple. It can begin with one closet at a time. People. Planet. Profit. Anytime (not just Springtime) is the right time to make the world we live in a better place to live.

Sending a smile

Monday, October 1, 2012

Product duplication. Let me say it again, product duplication!

Evaluating your supply shelves for product duplications can really jump start your commitment to sustainable dental practices. Journey with me to your dental supply cabinet where you may find, as I did, a few duplicate items that needed some accountability.
As a courtesy to our patients we give away free samples of different products.  When I began evaluating these products, I realized I stocked several items that produced almost the same end result.  Unfortunately, this product duplication created more strain on our supply budget.  Instead of ordering one product in bulk which reduces costs and packaging waste, we were ordering small quantities of different products. This scenario did not look favorable held up to our sustainability equation of people, planet and profit.
After careful evaluation I challenged myself to choose one product, in each take home category, as a free sample to my patients. I still inform the patient of the other products, I just no longer have them all in the office. This action is really working in our dental office. Patients are being served. Our profit isn't being strained and less waste is being dumped onto our planet. 
They say every thing in life begins by taking the first step. So join me in taking one step at a time, and not duplicating your footprint!
Sending a smile,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Helmet hair....who cares!

May 18, 2012 National Bike to Work Day. National Bike to Work Day was started by the League of American Bicyclists, who also promotes Bike Week and Bike Month during the month of May. This day has now grown into a nationwide event!

I invite you to join me as I peddle into work this week, helmet hair and all:) Seriously, many communities are encouraging this activity not just on Friday, May 18th, but the entire work week.
     So look at your calendars. 
     Check out the weather forecast. 
     Inspect your bike and helmet for safety.
     Take a trial run to your work place to avoid road surprises or work tardiness. 
     Share the idea with a co-worker.
     Get excited to do this!
Remember, sustainable actions meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. People. Planet. Profit. It's simple and can really be fun. So come on, join me. I don't want to be the only one at work with helmet hair this week:)

Sending a smile,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Staying in the moment. My sustainable soul

I'd like to tap into the emotional/spiritual element of personal sustainability. As dental health care professionals we are bound to encounter many exhilarating as well as challenging emotional moments. Most recently someone very special entered my day and left a mark on my soul. A very courageous young person dealing with cancer showed me what living sustainably really meant. Stay with me. I promise this story will fill and sustain your "bucket" with hope.

While updating a young person's health history with his mom, it was shared that he was dealing with significant health challenges. His cancer diagnosis and treatments had been grueling. As Mom tried to steer the conversation towards a more joyful subject I eagerly listened as I gently helped this young person into my dental chair. It was revealed that the family would be going to Florida soon. Ah ha! My segue to safe conversation with this young person.

With barely skipping a breath, I began to recline the dental chair and asked the patient "So, where are you going?". Expecting to hear the word Florida come out of this young child's mouth, imagine my surprise when the word "backwards?" was uttered. Yes, this child, at that moment in time was just "going backwards". He was with his mom, he was safe in my dental chair, and  he was truly living in a sustainable moment.

What a lesson learned. I didn't need to project out to his Florida vacation. I didn't need to project out to his next chemo treatment. All I needed to do was stay in the moment with this young child, also known as my hero.

So what about you? Any challenging emotional moments in your life that you could do a little "backwards" motion? Stay sustainable. Stay in your moment!

Sending you a smile,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Excellence. Not an act but a habit.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit."     ~ Aristotle~

I truly believe excellence is not an act, but a habit. So how can we make sustainable choices habit forming? Let's start with the obvious and perhaps easiest action toward bringing sustainability into your life. Recycling! Now, before you dismiss this topic give me just a minute of your time to share a few simple suggestions.

1. Call your city's recycling department. By making one simple phone call you can determine if your city has a recycling program and if your business qualifies for this service. I was very fortunate to discover that our municipality offers curb side recycling. One simple phone call opened the door to this sustainable action. Recycling bins were delivered. Indoor containers were placed to collect box board, plastics and other recyclable items. We organized ourselves. We were off and running!

2. No city recycling? Contact a non-profit Recycling Center. If your municipality does not offer a recycling program don't give up hope. You may have success with a non- profit recycling center. Don't hesitate to call and connect with their services. Some centers even offer, for a minimal fee, pick up services if you need them.

The habit of recycling can lead to excellence. We live in a time that sustainable actions are desperately needed as well as respected. Be the dental office in your city to lead this effort!

See you next week with more sustainable ideas.

Sending a smile,

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Connecting with your community

I believe some of the most amazing and generous people on this planet are part of our dental profession. I have witnessed many random acts of kindness and compassion from co-workers while serving dental patients over the past 30 years. I want to challenge you today though to evaluate your sustainable connection to the community you are a part of. Remember....... People. Planet. Profit. Let's focus on the planet piece of the sustainable equation.

So how do you "give back to the community/planet" you are a part of? Many already volunteer with a religious, community or non profit organization. Great! Thank you! How many are volunteering some of their dental time and talents back to the community though? You could contact a local pre-school and present a simple dental health program. I love doing this! Just fill up a back pack with dental goodies such as toothbrushes, healthy food choices and even dental gloves and mask to share with the pre school students. How about a dental jeopardy game with middle school students. Total fun! And if your passion leads you to geriatric care, why not contact an assisted living facility to volunteer with staff and guests. I believe many of these facilities hold hidden treasures in our communities.

Whatever sustainable volunteer choice you make I promise countless blessings returned to you and the practice you are apart of. Get connected to the community you serve. Stay connected. Stay sustainable.

Sending a smile,

Monday, January 23, 2012

Keep is simple. Keep it sustainable.

Yes, keep things simple. To create sustainable change in both your professional and personal life you need to keep things simple. Consider the following professional actions:

Paper vs. plastic bags

As a courtesy to your patients, many dental practices provide a take-home bag of dental products. The items often include a toothbrush, sample of toothpaste, and/or container of floss. Why not consider creating new, more sustainable habits with your patients? Simply asking if your patient would like or require a take home bag is a first step. Many consumers today believe in "reduce, reuse, recycle" and are also now adding "refuse" to that cliche. Yes, many consumers will now refuse items they don't have a need for, especially single-use plastics such as plastic bags. This action is certainly the least costly, most environmentally friendly and does not seriously compromise the patients you serve.

If your dental practice still wants to provide a courtesy bag why not evaluate more environmentally friendly and less costly substitute paper bags. Take some time to compare plastic to recycled paper bags. You'll find many options in both categories and may be happily surprised to discover a recycled paper courtesy bag that is more environmentally friendly, profit friendly and yet sill provides a service for your patients.

Paper vs. Plastic. One very simple option for you to evaluate in your dental practice this week.

See you next week!
Sending a smile,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Personal Sustainability

Until we become sustainable ourselves, I believe we will always struggle to positively influence others in our personal and professional lives. Begin this journey today! Begin today by looking within yourself. Are you in balance mind, body and soul?

Look within. How are you feeling? Do you need more or varied physical activity to bring about a stronger physical sense of self? This could be something as simple and sustainable as an daily walk. Cold outside? Too hot? Too humid? Try walking at your neighborhood mall or community center. What about beginning a yoga practice? Think about incorporating a gentle yoga practice into your lifestyle to bring about healing, inner calmness and increased strength.

Yes, begin at the beginning.  Personal sustainability must occur to propel you into a more professional sustainability.

"The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step" - Lao-tse

See you next week!
Sending a smile,

Saturday, January 7, 2012

People Planet Profit.....begin at the beginning

Sustainability. "To meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (World Commission on Environment and Development).

Sustainable dentistry. Ever dream of it? I have and want to champion dentistry into a more sustainable future. As a registered dental hygienist for 31 years, a published author in RDH professional magazine and sustainability education from a local community college, I hope to offer practical guidance to other dental professionals. I am so excited to share with you what I've learned, and in turn, learn from you. 

People Planet Profit. Sustainability is our future. Join me on this journey!

See you next week
Sending a smile,