Monday, January 23, 2012

Keep is simple. Keep it sustainable.

Yes, keep things simple. To create sustainable change in both your professional and personal life you need to keep things simple. Consider the following professional actions:

Paper vs. plastic bags

As a courtesy to your patients, many dental practices provide a take-home bag of dental products. The items often include a toothbrush, sample of toothpaste, and/or container of floss. Why not consider creating new, more sustainable habits with your patients? Simply asking if your patient would like or require a take home bag is a first step. Many consumers today believe in "reduce, reuse, recycle" and are also now adding "refuse" to that cliche. Yes, many consumers will now refuse items they don't have a need for, especially single-use plastics such as plastic bags. This action is certainly the least costly, most environmentally friendly and does not seriously compromise the patients you serve.

If your dental practice still wants to provide a courtesy bag why not evaluate more environmentally friendly and less costly substitute paper bags. Take some time to compare plastic to recycled paper bags. You'll find many options in both categories and may be happily surprised to discover a recycled paper courtesy bag that is more environmentally friendly, profit friendly and yet sill provides a service for your patients.

Paper vs. Plastic. One very simple option for you to evaluate in your dental practice this week.

See you next week!
Sending a smile,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Personal Sustainability

Until we become sustainable ourselves, I believe we will always struggle to positively influence others in our personal and professional lives. Begin this journey today! Begin today by looking within yourself. Are you in balance mind, body and soul?

Look within. How are you feeling? Do you need more or varied physical activity to bring about a stronger physical sense of self? This could be something as simple and sustainable as an daily walk. Cold outside? Too hot? Too humid? Try walking at your neighborhood mall or community center. What about beginning a yoga practice? Think about incorporating a gentle yoga practice into your lifestyle to bring about healing, inner calmness and increased strength.

Yes, begin at the beginning.  Personal sustainability must occur to propel you into a more professional sustainability.

"The journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step" - Lao-tse

See you next week!
Sending a smile,

Saturday, January 7, 2012

People Planet Profit.....begin at the beginning

Sustainability. "To meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (World Commission on Environment and Development).

Sustainable dentistry. Ever dream of it? I have and want to champion dentistry into a more sustainable future. As a registered dental hygienist for 31 years, a published author in RDH professional magazine and sustainability education from a local community college, I hope to offer practical guidance to other dental professionals. I am so excited to share with you what I've learned, and in turn, learn from you. 

People Planet Profit. Sustainability is our future. Join me on this journey!

See you next week
Sending a smile,