Saturday, January 30, 2016

Make new friends ...but keep the old

I can still hear my young daughters singing the song, "Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold." It's a song I've always loved because in my heart it truly represents sustainable friendships. Old friendships you cherish. New friendships you nurture.

Something else I've loved has been visiting area preschools these past 10 years during the month of February, Children's Dental Health month. I believe this is when the dental profession can shine its light, share it with others and in turn create sustainable dental habits for children. But as much as I have LOVED  sharing my dental health passion with preschoolers,  it's the time and smiles spent with these young children that fills my "bucket." year after year. #pricelessmemories

And speaking of buckets, below is a photo of two cardboard boxes I have lugged around with me these past 10 years. I place items in each bucket the children can talk about and decide if the item will make their tooth happy or sad.

Well, when I resurrected these cardboard boxes I realized it was time to create something more sustainable. So, I headed to the store and selected two containers I thought would help make things easier to transport. I was thinking: Sleek. Simple. Sustainable. As you can see below, I think I achieved cleaning up the appearance of the containers...but I'm not sure they make me smile as much.
Anyone who knows me, knows I lead with my heart and won't be surprised that I'm now feeling a little nostalgic recycling these cardboard boxes. They have over served their purpose and are now falling apart.....but they still have my heart.
So maybe, like the song says, "make new friends but keep the old" I'll work with the new containers but keep a photo of the old ones near by. A photo to remind me of each child's smile and giggle when we talk about cavity bugs, wiggly teeth and every silly story they've share with me. I am so blessed!
Sending a smile