Friday, June 27, 2014

The Sustainable Generation

The Lost Generation. The Silent Generation. The Greatest Generation. The Millennials. Baby Boomers. Generation X. Generation Y. Generation Z. Hipsters.

Who knows what label will be generated next to define a group of like minded people. Well, I’d like to propose one, if I may be so bold. Introducing the Sustainable Generation (Probably not a surprise to anyone following my blog.)

To me, the Sustainable Generation encompasses all ages, all genders, all cultures of people existing on this planet who are environmentally aware of their surroundings. Past present and future! People. Planet . Profit.

Some of this Sustainable Generation will be living a Farm to Table lifestyle ( , one I could only dream of. Check out the attached website though. Very cool and inspiring. Others will be composting, recycling and reusing items on an occasional basis. Others, sustainability choices may have only arrived on their radar screen. Either way, we are all in this together and can certainly glean from each other’s experiences. We all win….when we all win.

Sending a smile,