Evaluating your supply shelves for product duplications can really jump start your commitment to sustainable dental practices. Journey with me to your dental supply cabinet where you may find, as I did, a few duplicate items that needed some accountability.
As a courtesy to our patients we give away free samples of different products. When I began evaluating these products, I realized I stocked several items that produced almost the same end result. Unfortunately, this product duplication created more strain on our supply budget. Instead of ordering one product in bulk which reduces costs and packaging waste, we were ordering small quantities of different products. This scenario did not look favorable held up to our sustainability equation of people, planet and profit.
After careful evaluation I challenged myself to choose one product, in each take home category, as a free sample to my patients. I still inform the patient of the other products, I just no longer have them all in the office. This action is really working in our dental office. Patients are being served. Our profit isn't being strained and less waste is being dumped onto our planet.
They say every thing in life begins by taking the first step. So join me in taking one step at a time, and not duplicating your footprint!
Sending a smile,
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